Day Training Academy

Would you like a well trained dog?  One that you can take a peaceful walk with you?  One that will not jump on your guests or an elderly neighbor or even the little girl next door?  Or do you just want an overall well trained dog?

We can help with all of that.  We are now offering a Day Training Academy at our facility that can help you with achieve all that and more.

Our trainers will work on basic obedience behaviors, such as Sit, Down, Stay, Attention, Impulse Control & Place. We can also customize the program for you and your dog and focus on specific behaviors that you request.  These behaviors can typically be taught in 12-16 sessions, however this is dependent on the dog along with your participation and correct reinforcement. Your dog will be trained by several trainers to aid in generalizing and transferring behaviors more readily to you. Your dogs must be friendly around People and Dogs to be eligible for this program.


  • 8 Day Program – includes 8 session plus two 45 minute transfer training session* Discounted Investment $1290 (a value of $1390)!
  • 12 Day Program includes 12 session plus three 45 minute transfer training session* Discounted Investment $1950 (a value of $2085)!
  • 16 Day Program – includes 16 session plus four 45 minute transfer training session* Discounted Investment $2575 (a value of $2780)!
  • Additional Transfer Sessions* can be added for only $95/session.

*All Transfer Sessions are done at our facility with you and your pup!

Day training academy private training sessions are held on Tuesday and Thursday, 8:15- 8:30am drop off and the pickup time is between 2:00-2:30pm and is scheduled in advance with you prior to the session. Earlier drop off is available at an added fee depending on time. *Training days must be used in consecutive weeks in order to be effective.